October 4, 2018

Accounting Advisory Consulting

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Does it really matter what accountant I use? Aren’t they all crunching numbers the same? Shouldn’t I go with the cheapest rates available? Couldn’t a computer just do this for me?Many of our clients have come to us with questions just like the ones outlined above, and while every business owner is motivated by different outcomes, almost all would agree that they want more than just a product. At Elliott Davis, we strive to do just that – we provide our clients with tangible high-quality deliverables, such as a tax return or financial statements, and then we add value by serving as trusted business advisors.But…How?We have started offering quarterly meetings to all of our Accounting Advisory clients so that we can sit down and help take their business to the next level. These meetings allow us to gain a strong foundation of knowledge about your company; what are your products, workflow, organizational makeup, etc. and figure out what the “next level” looks like for you. This could mean doubling in size, planning for selling/retiring, strategic tax planning, future acquisitions, and more. Your Accounting Advisory team comes up with collaborative and innovative ideas to get you where you want to go. We don’t just provide financial accounting support, we can also provide you with industry benchmarking and turnover data as well. Has your current accountant asked you any of the following questions – better yet, have you asked yourself?What keeps you up at night? What are your goals? What do you look at first when you look at the health of the company? Do you feel like you have all the tools you need to grow your business? How are your relationships with existing advisors such as bankers, attorneys, and insurance agents? Did these questions get your gears turning? Are you ready to take the next step with us and schedule a meeting? Not yet convinced? Read below for recent success stories.

  • We had a client that was potentially selling his company. In the initial meeting the client believed that he had the internal resources available to handle the due diligence process. We shared what resources we had available should he have a need. During a phase of due diligence, we were asked to corroborate something in the investor’s calculations and in doing so noticed they were providing unfavorable addbacks. We brought up our findings to the client and by providing this information, the client had a more favorable position during the sale of the business.
  • During a meeting, we learned that the client was currently doing a major marketing push for their business. As the conversation continued, we realized that the benchmarking information for their industry could provide some valuable data for their marketing team to use.
  • A new client came to us needing help but they weren’t sure exactly what they needed. We decided to go on-site to evaluate the situation and record the status of the accounting and operations. Ultimately, we were able to support them through a month-end close when they had an unexpected transition of their controller. Since then, we have provided ongoing support including weekly communication with their investors and acting as a buffer between operations and accounting.
  • A client came to us at a time when he wasn’t sure where he was being led to take the business – should he sell or should he grow? Our team was able to provide him with data and information for each option. At our next meeting, after reviewing our information, he had decided which path to take and we were able to help him implement steps to achieve his new business goals.

We Can Help

In all the examples above, the companies were doing well. A common misconception is that a business doesn’t need help unless it is struggling. At Elliott Davis we are constantly striving to always get better and we want to bring that value to the clients we serve as well. If you’re interested in finding out how we can collaborate and grow your business, please reach out to your account manager so that we can schedule a meeting that can help propel you to the next level.

The information provided in this communication is of a general nature and should not be considered professional advice. You should not act upon the information provided without obtaining specific professional advice. The information above is subject to change.

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