
Whether you are a college or university, a public school district, charter school, or not-for-profit K-12 school, fiscal responsibility and operational effectiveness are among your top priorities. You need a firm that helps identify and respond to the financial challenges and opportunities facing your institution today and in the future.

The Elliott Davis Education Institution Financial Services team are experienced professionals providing customized assurance, tax, and consulting solutions to some of the largest and most complex educational institutions in the Southeast. We’re ready to help your institution meet its goals.

our customers

We draw on service and industry specialists across all of Elliott Davis to fully address the unique needs of our customers — no matter what their goals or situations look like.

We draw on service and industry specialists across all of Elliott Davis to fully address the unique needs of our customers — no matter what their goals or situations look like.

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Solutions by Industry

Every industry has its own nuances. We take that into consideration and approach business solutions with the specific lens required of your field. Our teams are comprised of talent with relevant experience and we’re prepared to meet every challenge.

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