Case Study
May 26, 2021

Healthcare Organization and HITRUST

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Chief Information Security Officer asked Elliott Davis to help answer: “How can I achieve HITRUST compliance and prove that we are a trustworthy resource?”


  • This organization is focused on improving quality and cost of care with their insulin management software
  • Needed an industry-managed approach to meeting HIPAA security rule requirements
  • Wanted a validated assessment to be processed and certification awarded

Our Approach

  • Performed a validated HITRUST CSF v9.3 security assessment related to all applicable controls and control areas for domestic operations
  • Leveraged an efficient and prescriptive framework for managing the security requirements, i.e. HITRUST CSF Assurance Program
  • Submitted assessment to HITRUST for review and certification

 Customer Results

  • Ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of any data they create, receive, maintain, or transmit
  • Eliminated inconsistencies and wasted resources typical in reporting healthcare compliance
  • Meets all of the industry-defined certification requirements of the CSF
  • Considerable reduction in time and cost in audit processes
  • Third-party attestation provides both credibility and prestige to customers

We Can Help

For more information on this and other topics, contact a member of our team.

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