March 18, 2020

COVID-19 Tax Update: State filing deadlines and other information

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COVID-19 Tax Update: State filing deadlines and other information|COVID-19 Tax Update: State filing deadlines and other information

In addition to federal changes to tax-related issues concerning COVID-19, states are extending filing deadlines and encouraging communication with their offices via online channels.

AICPA has compiled filing information for all fifty states including links to state revenue departments, contact information, and other helpful resources.

For more information on how COVID is impacting state filing, contact our State and Local Tax team.

For more helpful resources to navigate COVID-19, visit the Elliott Davis COVID-19 Resource Center.

The information provided in this communication is of a general nature and should not be considered professional advice. You should not act upon the information provided without obtaining specific professional advice. The information above is subject to change.

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