Case Study
October 26, 2021

Higher Education Institute and Safeguarding Assets

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Information Security Officer asked Elliott Davis to help answer, "How can we reduce our risk and exposure as it relates to cybersecurity across each of our campuses?"


  • Needed assistance for a Penetration Test of hosted IT and cloud-based infrastructure including three key business applications
  • Wanted to assess and improve ability to safeguard critical assets against exploitable vulnerabilities from inside and outside organization

Our Approach

Completed Penetration Testing in 5 stages:

  • Defined goals and intelligence gathered
  • Applications, networks, systems are tested/ evaluated and vulnerabilities discovered
  • Performed attacks against discovered vulnerabilities and attempted  access to critical applications, networks and systems
  • Vulnerabilities exploited to achieve persistent presence in critical application, network or system •Detailed report and executive summary detailing approach and results delivered

Customer Impact

  • Improved security and resiliency
  • Protected critical computer systems and information resources against internal and external cyber threats
  • Received insights from the penetration tests to improve the overall security of the institution

We Can Help

For more information on this and other topics, contact a member of our team.

The information provided in this communication is of a general nature and should not be considered professional advice. You should not act upon the information provided without obtaining specific professional advice. The information above is subject to change.

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