May 21, 2020

WATCH: You survived the PPP application process. What's next?

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WATCH: You survived the PPP application process. What's next?

On Demand | 1 hour The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was announced with great fanfare and forced eligible lenders to roll the program out quickly. Your teams are making a difference by serving customers and supporting local businesses during the pandemic.Now that the dust has settled and funds have been disbursed to customers, we know there is a coming surge of forgiveness requests. So we believe financial institutions should be preparing for the PPP loan forgiveness process now. We are here to guide you through the next phase and can provide turnkey solutions to navigate this critical time for you or your borrowers.The Elliott Davis Financial Services Group has prepared a webinar to help navigate the aftermath of the PPP process. In the webinar, we cover:

  • Legislative updates
  • The forgiveness calculation and nuances that could create issues for banks & borrowers
  • Trying to interpret conflicting guidance
  • The unknowns still remaining

Register below to view the webinar.

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