Data Privacy

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Organizations today face a growing patchwork of data privacy laws across state, federal, and international jurisdictions often with competing requirements. This creates mounting challenges for how to interpret and comply with these laws as well as how to convince organizational leadership to make data privacy compliance a strategic priority. Our Data Privacy services team support organizations in addressing multiple state, Federal, and internal laws including HIPAA, FERPA, GLBA, GDPR, and CCPA.

Our approach to data privacy focuses on both developing a clear understanding of your legal requirements and providing tactical advice on evolving your people, processes, and technology to consistently deliver on these requirements. Our services focus on doing so through a unified privacy program that integrates these disparate frameworks and by leveraging proven tools and accelerators –our alliance of private law firms– and strategically applying technology to deliver a comprehensive, scalable data privacy program.

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Every industry has its own nuances. We take that into consideration and approach business solutions with the specific lens required of your field. Our teams are comprised of talent with relevant experience and we’re prepared to meet every challenge.

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